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What is a credit card declined code?

Credit card declined codes are given when a credit card transaction does not go through. The transaction could be blocked by the customer's card issuing bank or by your payment processor. Some of the most common reasons to get a declined code are: When a transaction is declined, a reason code will be given.

What does a credit card declined Code 51 mean?

The credit card declined code “51” means that you’ve exceeded your credit limit (if it’s a credit card) or run out of funds (if using a debit card). Why Is My Card Declined When I Order Online? Your credit card can be declined for three potential reasons: account settings, lack of funds, and inaccurate information.

What is a decline code?

Payment processors provide decline codes that indicate their reason for rejecting a transaction. Businesses should learn to recognize and understand these codes in order to successfully respond to a declined transaction—and potentially salvage the sale. What’s in this article? What is card authorization?

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